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22 Strand Dna Activation Cd

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by gaegrusehper1980 2020. 2. 20. 07:13


(to the extent that they share your genetic matrix)How DNA Activation Benefits You:. Brings More Spiritual Light intoyour body. Increases your conscious Brainpower (IQ). Gives You More Energy to Enjoy Life. Helps You to Develop Hidden Talents. Facilitates Your Positive Outlook. Strengthens Your Connection to Spirit.

  1. Devara Thunderbeat
  2. Dna Activation Near Me

Clears Your Family Patterns. Improves you ClarityThe King Solomon 22 Strand DNA Activation takes placethrough a process known as Rhythmic Sound Vibrational Etheric MaterialEncoding. This activation Process directs the energy of creation to vibrate theetheric energy rhythmically such that it creates material substance of acertain density: the DNA!Your DNA, unique and personal, contains the encodedinformation relative to both your physical and spiritual lineage.

Strand22 Strand Dna Activation Cd

Devara Thunderbeat


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It determinesyour physical form, hereditary maladies, mental propensities, emotional andbehavioral patterns, spiritual gifts, and more.Your DNA serves as the blueprint for your life purpose anddivine potentialities.It determines who you are! Activating your DNA allowsyou to come into your fullest potential manifestation in this lifetimephysically and spiritually.Just what is the 22-strand DNAactivation?The 22-Strand activation is an activation of SpiritualEmpowerment. It activates the master plan for your life purpose and divinepotential.How many strands are there?There are 12 strands that relate to the physical body and 12spiritual strands, and that each of these 24 key strands has sub-stands. Thisprocess activates 11 of each.Why would someone get a22-strand DNA Activation?A significant tool for spiritual empowerment, it enhancesour ability to become who we came her to be and to successfully complete ourcontracts and live work.